Thank you for your interest in “PSYCHIC MINDS”.

The new EDC for Mentalists and Magicians. This Powerful Effect is Designed for Professionals, yet Easy for Beginners to learn.

PSYCHIC MINDS is being distributed by Murphy’s Magic , supplies are limited.
To find out where you can get a copy for yourself check out or email


We are at my Vacation Home in St. Augustine, Florida, where there is always Magic in the air.

There are a lot of Celebrities and Entertainers here. I have invited my neighbor Jessica Moon, a Real Live Mermaid over to help me with a video.


She got ready to go out and came over. This entire video was done in one take without cuts.

This is Next-Level Mindreading!
Everything you need fits in your Wallet or Pocket. No Slights or Forces, The Spectators Have a Genuine Free Choice.

Here is where it gets good!
A Fortune Teller on their Phone, Speaks and Spits out a Ticket, with their Prediction!

Just when they think the act is over; you Boldly Exhibit your Precognition Prowess by Showing you had the Prediction On Paper in Front of them all along!

Keep this in your wallet and be Ready to Entertain! You will be SHOW-READY one hour after watching the training video.


• You hand the spectator a deck of 7 cards, each having a different symbol.
• They are instructed to mix the cards thoroughly and spread them out in a row face down.
• You pass your hand over the cards to get a “psychic impression.”
• You ask the spectator to select two cards and slide them to the side.
• Repeat this process two more times.
• This will leave one card.
• You pass your hand over that card to get a “psychic vision” of the chosen card.
• You now write a prediction on any piece of paper, fold it up, and place it on the table.
• You ask the spectator to look at the card while your back is turned.
• Now you “read” the spectator’s mind. Unsure your prediction is correct, you feel a “psychic block.”
• You ask the spectator if it is okay if we contact a friend who is a Psychic Mind Reader who never fails.
• You take the Psychic’s business card from your wallet and set it on the table.

To summarize,
-I gave you the cards, and you shuffled them, yes?
-You laid out the cards yourself, correct?
-You removed six cards of your choosing, right?
-After I handed you the cards, I have not touched them, right?
-Only you saw the last card, correct?
-Can we say you had a free choice?

• You ask them to take their phone and go to the website on the card. The website is a normal .com website, nothing fishy.
• Ask them to go to the Psychic’s bio page. They come to a Virtual Fortune Telling Machine (just like in the arcades).
• They hit the start button, and the animated Fortune Teller starts to talk and spits out a ticket with the prediction of their card!
• Just when they think the act is over; you Boldly Exhibit your Precognition Prowess by Showing you had the Prediction on Paper in Front of them all along!
• Have the spectator turn all the cards face up to show they are all still different.

This trick combines low-tech and hi-tech to make an unexplained phenomenon.
Low-tech is the use of 7 symbolic cards that you can easily carry.
Hi-tech is that you have a Virtual Fortune Telling Machine that you can secretly control remotely.

■ No slights, magicians’ choice, forces, etc.
■ They have a genuine free choice of any of the seven cards.
■ Any cell phone or computer (IOS, Android, Desktop Computer, etc.) connected to the internet will work perfectly.
■ If you are at a party or event and can use a flat-screen TV or projector, the Virtual Fortune Telling Machine looks outstanding!

In the package, you get the following:
★ The deck of 7 stunning cards made of 100% plastic.
★ A business card made of 100% plastic.
★ The gimmick that controls the outcome of the Fortune Teller.
★ Tutorial by the creator.

The cards are standard poker size and made of 100% plastic to last a lifetime.

The online Virtual Fortune Teller was Registered and Copyrighted in the United States Library of Congress on January 25th, 2023.