Thank you for your interest in “PSYCHIC MINDS”.
The new EDC for Mentalists and Magicians. This Powerful Effect is Designed for Professionals, yet Easy for Beginners to learn.
PSYCHIC MINDS is being distributed by Murphy’s Magic , supplies are limited.
To find out where you can get a copy for yourself check out or email
We are at my Vacation Home in St. Augustine, Florida, where there is always Magic in the air.
There are a lot of Celebrities and Entertainers here. I have invited my neighbor Jessica Moon, a Real Live Mermaid over to help me with a video.
She got ready to go out and came over. This entire video was done in one take without cuts.
This is Next-Level Mindreading!
Everything you need fits in your Wallet or Pocket. No Slights or Forces, The Spectators Have a Genuine Free Choice.
Here is where it gets good!
A Fortune Teller on their Phone, Speaks and Spits out a Ticket, with their Prediction!
Just when they think the act is over; you Boldly Exhibit your Precognition Prowess by Showing you had the Prediction On Paper in Front of them all along!
Keep this in your wallet and be Ready to Entertain! You will be SHOW-READY one hour after watching the training video.